The stamp is British, from the Machin series. The 24-pence denomination has got many colors. Two are near the specimen's one : terracotta of 1989 and rust of 1991. With my eyes only, this stamp is rust - terracotta seems more red to me.
The cancellation is a commercial picturial one : the "4" is the logo of Channel 4, a public television channel. Its main characterisc : no money from the public, only commercial activities has been financing Channel 4 and its group. This gave it a large freedom of creation, especially for fiction programs : provoking, politically incorrect, social like Queer as Folk, Shameless, Sugar Rush. The group is a movie producer too : Four Weddings and a Funeral, Trainspotting for example.
What survive on the fragment :
Channel 4 has been broadcasting since November, 2nd 1982. The cancellation commemorates its 10th anniversary.
If the stamp was used during the last quarter of 1992, the stamp is certainly of rust color. But, since I don't have an eye for gravure/litho differences yet, I won't go further in this study... for now.
PS :
24 pence, at this time, was the rate for a priority letter less than 60 grams. This page of the Machin Nut's website lists the British postal rates between 1967 and 2004.
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