I got the idea to print these screenshots when I was imposed a second reading and filing. The first time, I refused to answer some questions, because no answer was what I am philatelicly thinking or living.

* a subscriber (to new stamps directly to Phil@poste),
* a réservataire (to new stamps at your local post office),
* a catalog's client (you order what you want in Phil@poste paper catalogue),
* or a client of the Stamp Shop (you order what you want at Phil@poste website).
I am not in any of those cases... There is a French traditional place that is missing in this question, where you can find philatelicly qualified postmen to interact.
The philatelic counters (point philatélie) are not there.
There opening hours were heavily restricted in Spring 2008. Now, I think collectors should check their philatelic clerck's age: if he is approaching retirement... shut down of the counter will arrive very soon.
Oh! Don't worry. If he is young or the counter closed, you will find every thing at the post office near door: employees not used to philately and our stamped folks, long waiting, etc whereas we are certainly very lucrative client of La Poste, in the general public case. Buying stamps, not using them.
In any case, you can order by mail or internet. No human relations required. Just a full confidence in unknown people: reading correctly the order, cutting correctly the stamps, manipulating the cardboard enveloppe with some dignity during the travel to your always-too-tiny mailbox.

After the disappearance of pictorial cancellations and of the datestamps, we are to bury the philatelic counters under tons of numerous, innovating, ordered new stamps of France.
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