The French La Poste has not forget the sailing world yet, after two stamps linked to its sponsoring of competiting yachts in the 1990s : 1990 and 1993.
Reminder: last November 2008, the Montparnasse Tower, in Paris, announced the departure on 9 November of the solitary yacht race around the world, the Vendée Globe. A race that Michel Desjoyeaux seems eager to finish right on the special second day of sale in Les Sables this Sunday 1st February 2009 or on Monday, the first day of national sale. He is not handling a postal yacht, but he sure is helping postal sales to those waiting his arrival on the finish line.

The design by Thierry Mordant shows that the race motivated the issuance of a stamp. Les Sables-d'Olonne has been hosting the departure and arrival of the six editions of this race since 1989. Located in Vendée, the port and the race are helped by political man Philippe de Villiers, the president of the General Council of Vendée (national right. A man heard regularly on radio to give news on the sailors that were in trouble in difficult situations during this race.
Artist Thierry Mordant delivers his fourth artwork to the French post since 2002, the third maritim city (after Villefranche-sur-Mer and Arcachon) and the second sport scene (after Paris-Roubaix cycling race). The Monaco Office of Postage Stamp Issue (OETP) has been using his talent regularly in very different manners: poster-like (Christmas 2008), official portait (Prince Albert II's first definitive series) or very dense engraved design for commemoratives (Kipling). The always useful and complete on stamps of France, Phil-ouest website, adds stamps for São Tomé e Príncipe... An investigative task to be done by yachting or surfing. It ends on this website, a personal, merchant and astonishing website.
Now, the problem is to find this stamp: philatelic post office? Not open when I am free of my time. Phil@poste's website? And garbage a large cardboard package that the postman will not be able to put inside my mailbox... sigh