Monday, August 04, 2008

Chungwha Post is back

At the origins of this blog, the first article talked about the change of the Taiwanese postal administration's name: Chungwha Post became Taiwan Post, and about the consequence on stamps. On 28 February 2007, the country name became "TAIWAN" instead of "REPUBLIC OF CHINA" and, moreover, on a commemorative stamp full of historical sense concerning the relations between the different "peoples" of the island since 1949.

One of the four last stamps to bear the "Taiwan" name
(from the Taiwan... Chungwha Post website).

Last 20 May 2008, began Ma Ying-jeou presidency celebrated with four stamps bearing a new mention: "REPUBLIC OF CHINA - TAIWAN", foreshadowing the return of the idea that Taiwan is China... even if not the one that wishes the People's Republic.

Today, 4 August 2008, the People's Chinese official press agency reports political marketing news from Taiwan. In April, a committee of the Taiwanese Parliament let until October 2008 for the Taiwan Post to return to its older brand. The postal administration's ruling body agreed last Friday 1st of August, with a ceremonial official application this Monday.

One more time, the stamps concerned are full of symbols: the last to bear the "Taiwan" name figured the aborigenal culture of Taiwan, of the inhabitants who where underestimated by the incoming nationalist rulers from the continent.

From what I can decipher on the minisheet to be issued on the next 20 August, the new name will be "REPUBLIC OF CHINA - TAIWAN". The stamps will present the Yimin festival (I found the name of this festival on an Wikipedia in English article about Shen Dzu fattened pigs to be eaten... slurp).