Saturday, May 12, 2007

Portuguese Macau stamps still in use in Macau, China

I come back on a family journey to China that a French-Chinese friend did with his families, last summer. The first letter from Hong Kong took a trip to Manilla before coming to Paris. Here is the second letter posted in Macau, the 21st of August 2006.
My non-philatelist friend always use covers offered by the inn.

Non-philatelist, but he understood (after some -lenghtly- explanations) the interest of the sheet's margins.

Thank to this tab, I was surprised at the first glance : seven years after the merging of Macau into the People's Republic of China, you can still buy Portuguese Macau stamps for the mail. The Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda is the public printer and coin maker of Portugal. Moreover, stamps of the special administrative region of Macau wear the brand "Macau, China" since 1999.

The illustration is about the karting championship that takes place on the Coloane island, the souther of Macauan islands.

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