Thursday, April 09, 2009

Frenchs' Marianne still useful, not yet withdrawn

If you were in Paris (and unable to visit the Eiffel Tower because of the strike) and wanted to send a postcard or a letter to friends inside the European Union or in Switzerland, you could use Nicolas' Marianne in dark blue (nicknames "Blue Europe" by Phil@poste) or, recently, had been able to lick and stick the Avignon Palace of Popes stamp.

If you search the internet, at the Boutique du timbre of Phil@poste, you can find Marianne des Français stamps at 0.70 euro dark green, issued at a time when this rate was for the 50-100 gram economic nationwide mail (2006-2008, now 0.73 euro).

However, JVC philatélie and Blog philatélie announced the withdrawal of many Marianne des Français value, including this one, on 20 February 2009. My order was sent late March and arrived in the first day of April. Here is a copy of the website screen made today, Thursday 9 April 2009.

Were there understantable difficulties to follow on a daily basis the acts of Phil@poste? Error when consulting the website? Or, not an error, but the stamps reappeared after some days of withdrawal when the stock was better accounted and to important not be transform into good money? [10 April 2009 : Visibly none of the above by an answer of Dominique on the Blog philatélie. An answer that may emphasize on the need for philatelists to be more independent from La Poste to answer the following question: ]

What is now a withdrawal date?
- the one of the general sale: no more this stamp at post offices and Phil@poste shops?
- the one of all possible sales by one of La Poste's constituents?

Already the authors of the Dallay+Rousso=Maury stamp catalogue of France printed this information in tiny characters, if they have to put many dates.

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