Saturday, May 10, 2008

I'm a bad boy

Bof, what was the purpose [of an universitarian-like reunion entitled States-General of the Philately, Paris, 2 April 2008] and finally what's the result for the common collector? Very little and a month later, the official site is resultfree and has disappointed some of his forum's participants.

But, but, but, the omni-President wanted it... for La Poste can do whatever it wants with issuing policy? Like, say, a living sport interviewer on stamp, are printing TV weekly magazines.

And what is one of the organisators saying? This, as a first sentence of his second article on the States General's consequences (in Le Monde newspaper dated 11-12 May 2008, available in Paris since Monday noon and outside France until one or two days more, good reading):

"The States-General of the philately are now far away."

Before the author digress on the fiscal advantages to collect postage stamps and avoid some taxes... Hey! It is published in the "Money" news supplement :p

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